Zambezi Marine is a boat building, servicing and bespoke restoration company that focuses on all marine aspects of the market. Based just outside of Livingstone, Zambia, with access to the Zambezi river for testing, we are perfectly located to assist with any and all marine matters for Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. With a sales department that can source and supply anything from marine engines to throw ropes, a workshop with experience and qualified welders and marine mechanics, Zambezi Marine is your one stop marine shop.

Caroline Lomas
Commercial Director
• C: +260 97 4411 334
• E: caroline@zambezimarine.com
• Skype: zambezi.marine
Dan Watson
Managing Director
• C: +260 97 4411 333
• E: dan@zambezimarine.com
• Skype: zambezi.marine
P.O Box: Falls Park 61